What the journey the 10 Day Detox has been 🌱

The results have been transformative – from shedding pounds and extra baggage to glowing skin and mental clarity. But this detox was about more than just physical changes. It shifted mindsets to understand that food is medicine. 🍎 Rather than relying on pills it shows you can reclaim your health through the power of fruits, leafy green, vegetables, and clean eating.

Detoxing is far greater than eating healthy — it needs to be sustained over a period of time to allow the body to do a deeper clean of its organs. This is why doing it in a group is so important: it motivates and stimulates you through the ups and downs of the journey. I give this detox twice a year, and every time I finish it, I feel renewed. I can’t recommend this enough. It’s an investment in your most precious asset – you.

Next dates: Autumn equinox 20-29 September

Comments from some of the participants

Charles Lopez

Review of the detox challenge: very well organized with alternative options for those who can’t find specific products or machines. Great community to provide support and encouragement which is probably the reason we made it all the way through. Keep the meal picture posts coming as they make it seem like you’re not dieting alone! The explanation videos about the machines were very helpful for us novice juicers. It really took the mystery away that made me hesitate to use the machines until now. Great program. Lost weight and cleared up my skin.

Emilia Paulecova

 I’d never succeed doing detox on my own. Never did. Having a guide and community throughout the program is so valuable. You get all your questions and worries explained ! Moods and body changes it all counts as part of the detox. At the end with all that support you might realize it wasn’t that bad. You sure will discover that you are stronger than you think. And most importantly that you can do it!

Benedetta Piccolomini

Buongiorno cara Andrena mi è piaciuto molto questo percorso di disintossicazione, mi ha dato momenti belli, nel sentirmi leggera e più libera mentalmente e altri più complicati! Ma credo che faccia parte del processo! E ora più che mai desidero continuare con mangiare sano ! Grazie del tuo prezioso supporto! E delle buonissime ricette!