Leena Nair, CEO of Chanel, advocates for a new kind of leadership based on compassion

I love that Leena Nair, formerly at Unilever as head of human resources, and now at Chanel as CEO, is going beyond gender bias and is now advocating for a new kind of leadership, based on compassion, empathy, kindness, and benevolence. It’s not that she isn’t a champion for gender balance. During her time at Unilever the share of female managers increased to 50%, from 38%. But she understands it’s all about mentoring and supporting women in self-confidence and self-belief, encouraging them to step up. And most of all, helping the men understand that there’s space for both. At the end of the day, Leena believes people—men and women—should be put at the heart of our business, and by being exemplary, Leena and Chanel can show to the world that it’s possible.

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Photo by Chungkuk Bae on Unsplash