An Ode to Women 

This was NOT written by AI but from my heart to celebrate Women’s Day

When a woman understands her power, she doesn’t move, she dances. She embodies a beautiful paradox – she can melt into others while maintaining her center. This dance reflects the essence of being a woman: She knows how to connect to others without losing herself in the process.

So to celebrate Women’s Day, I wanted to write something which shows the magic of being a woman that I’ve learned along the way. I’ve written about it in both my fictional books, The Extraordinary Awakening of Annabel Jones (embracing the fragile strength of both femininity and sexuality) and The Magical Reality of Annabel Jones, which shows how to move beyond the romantic dream that holds so many of us back.

When a woman is whole, she radiates outward like a light. Naturally, it draws people towards us. However, I, like many women of my generation, was taught to define myself by those who lived around me. I defined myself as a daughter, a wife, as my job. Anything but as who I am. It took time to understand my intrinsic nature as a woman, and the greatest that it contains.

Being a woman, I was taught to let others create boundaries, rather than to understand a bigger truth: that when I am within myself, no one can squat.

When I became whole, I understood that my strength lies within me. 

Just look at a woman’s body, and you will understand the war of the sexes. Our sexual parts are within us. We can hide. But men can’t. How would you like to live with sexual parts hanging outside yourself that are completely beyond your control? No wonder men have such frail egos. So if you want to be part of the solution, and not part of the problem, then move beyond anger to find compassion towards the opposite sex.

It’s all part of loving ourselves for who we truly are. That is the strength of being a woman. We have so much. When a woman is whole, she understands the earth’s natural cycles because they mirror those within our bodies. Our connection to the earth runs deep. We carry the miracle of creation within us. We can accept pain and transform it into love.

We embrace darkness rather than fighting against it. Because we know that our strength doesn’t lie in becoming like men. It’s about becoming a woman: whole within herself, she contains the world.

We comprehend the delicate art of healing because we can feel the invisible threads that connect us all within our souls. We hold the magical and mysterious within us. And that is something men can rarely find—except through us.

So to all, Happy Women’s Day!
