While teaching yoga recently in Italy, I discovered that the differences between countries go far deeper than just external appearances – they are ingrained in the body itself.
One of the poses we practiced was the Tree Pose, which involves standing on one leg with the other tucked against the inner thigh of the standing leg, and the arms held overhead like branches. To balance on one leg, you need to be firmly connected with the floor beneath your feet, and it helps to lower the energy from your head, where most of us live, and deeper into the body. This pose also reveals which side of the body is stronger. Most of us in the West have stronger right sides (connected to the left side of the brain), so our right leg is typically stronger than the left.
However, in Italy, every single one of my students found it easier to stand on their left leg. This observation helped me understand the Italian psyche in an instant. Italy is an emotional, heart-based country. The left side of the body is governed by the right side or the emotional side of the brain, which is considered “feminine” or Yin. This side also controls creativity, spatial ability, music, and the arts.
This experience highlights the importance of not just reading about who you want to be in the workforce or your private life but reaching deeper into yourself and discovering who you truly are.
Your body holds your truth, and it also holds the truths of others. As a leader, being able to understand these deeper elements of the body will not only help you read a room but also the mindsets of those with whom you are negotiating. This distinctive edge is well worth cultivating, not only for the leadership skills it will give you but also for your personal growth and understanding throughout your life.
Photo by Yannic Läderach on Unsplash