Cultivate a Cosmic Perspective: Meditation for World-Changers

Feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of global challenges? This Cosmic Perspective Meditation isn’t just relaxation – it’s a tool for radical perception shift. By systematically expanding your awareness, you’re training your mind to hold complexity and see patterns at a larger scale.

1. Sit comfortably, eyes closed

2. Visualize expanding awareness: room → building → city → country → Earth → solar system → galaxy → universe

3. Hold the cosmic perspective, reflecting on your work

4. Slowly ‘zoom’ back to your immediate surroundings

Practitioners report:

• Sudden insights into complex systems problems

• A renewed sense of purpose and connection to humanity

• Ability to maintain calm and strategic thinking in crisis situations

This practice can transform not just how you think, but how you lead and innovate. It’s about cultivating the kind of expansive awareness that has driven history’s greatest visionaries.

Elevate your consciousness, elevate your impact. More tools for visionary minds in my upcoming book.

Photo by Isandréa Carla at Pexels