Focus on who you are, not the “meatsuit” you wear

A meatsuit is a spiritual term Native Americans use for the body. Native Americans understood very well that a person isn’t the body they wear. It was what was inside a person, their essence or their soul, that mattered. If you start to see the world this way, it will give you a mind shift that will profoundly affect your life.


– It helps you connect with a deeper and larger part of yourself—your essence—which is where your authenticity lies

– It brings you deeper into yourself because you start to identify with what really matters: your essence

– It allows you to stand tall and live from within

– You will no longer see yourself through the lens of age, gender, color and ethnicity because you realize that these are all superficial differentiations

– And best of all, it will give you compassion towards others who still don’t see the world this way, because you’ll remember that you were once as ignorant as they.

Photo by Mukuko Studio at Unsplash