I thought about this as I re-read one of my favorite books by one of the greatest Deeper Cut Leaders: a remarkable woman named Peace Pilgram. Born Mildred Norman in 1908, Peace Pilgrim was an American wanderer and social activist who gave up everything and in 1953 began a pilgrimage for peace across America.
Wearing a tunic with the words Peace Pilgrim on the front and 25,000 miles on foot for peace on the back, she became a wandering monk, accepting only food and lodging only given to her.
For the next 28 years, Peace Pilgrim spread her message of peace to anyone she could speak to. She walked an average of 25 miles a day, often stopping for speaking engagements or interviews along the way. She understood that by sharing with others her constant sense of unshakeable inner peace, she was doing her part in helping bring peace to our planet. To me, Peace Pilgrim is one of the most enlightened women born this century.
She was also a woman who understood The Deeper Cut of Feminine Leadership.
She understood that Inner Peace = Outer Peace. That’s a woman who lived The Deeper Cut.