Tag: Blog

Can’t stop thinking? Break free from the thought maze and inhabit your body fully

The nature of consciousness and its relationship to thoughts remains a complex and debated topic in neuroscience and philosophy, however, in my upcoming book “The worry-free Way”, I’ll be examining why you are not your thoughts, and helping you to understand who you really are behind them. First let’s look at the science: Who is the you who are thinking these things? In ‘The worry-free way,’ I reveal how to break free from the thought maze and inhabit your body fully. Discover why you are not your thoughts and learn practical techniques to find inner calm. Photo credit: Mari Korz

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TEDx Klagenfurt Talk: How a girl from Kansas discovered the roadmap to follow the yellow brick road to a deeper home

Speaking at TEDx Klagenfurt in Austria initiated me into a world filled with people willing to give their time and energy to share ideas that can make the world a better place. But not only that. These aren’t idealistic changes based upon hope, but concrete ideas, deliberate changes, pivotal shifts and personal paths examining the path to a better future. The theme — Deep Shift — provided an excellent backdrop for thought provoking discussions on how to harness the potential for the profound shifts happening all around us so that we can embrace the future without fear. Chapeau to Eithne

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Forge your Own Path

I thought about this as I re-read one of my favorite books by one of the greatest Deeper Cut Leaders: a remarkable woman named Peace Pilgram. Born Mildred Norman in 1908, Peace Pilgrim was an American wanderer and social activist who gave up everything and in 1953 began a pilgrimage for peace across America. Wearing a tunic with the words Peace Pilgrim on the front and 25,000 miles on foot for peace on the back,  she became a wandering monk, accepting only food and lodging only given to her. For the next 28 years, Peace Pilgrim spread her message of

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The Feminisation of Wealth Management is Coming

Excellent article in this weekend’s Financial Times Weekend On Wall Street. It’s well known that diversity is a sticking point in the wealth management industry, which has most advisors remaining pale and male, as author Sallie Krawcheck calls it. But there is a change on the horizon. Not only are women slowly seeping into the upper echelons of this industry, there is a shift in who owns the wealth: and it’s women. How? The industry’s core clients—white, male baby boomers—are dying out. And, given that women live on average a decade longer than their husbands, it means that widows are

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We all have it wrong when it comes to leadership

It’s been niggling me for a while now. Every time I read up on leadership, I encounter a funny pit in my stomach that tells me that something isn’t right. There are too much written about leadership. It now has more styles than Prada. Coercive leadership. Bureaucratic leadership. Task-oriented, authoritarian, charismatic, servant, transformational, adaptive, feminine, balanced—it seems that everyone is wanting to accelerate digital transformation, advance automation, integrate emerging technologies, be data-driven, and all the while lead with purpose and make a difference. I realize that with all these inspiring ideas and wonderful words, it’s hard to separate our dreams

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A bad diet can create psychiatric/mental health symptoms

If you want to understand the deeper cut of mental health issues, read this excellent article in The Economist, titled “Many mental-health conditions have bodily triggers”, which provides the missing link that bridges the divide between psychiatry and neurology/medicine. The answer? The body. Many mental-health conditions have bodily tiggers. It is possible to heal from OCD, anxiety, depression, infections, autoimmune disorders and metabolic issues. My integrated mind-body approach is called “The 5 Medicines”. Every day doses of movements, meals, meditation, massages and mind shifts create profound and long lasting shifts that change lives.   #MetabolicPsychiatry #PANDAS #AutoimmuneBrain #BrainInflammation #KetogenicForMentalHealth #BiomarkersForMentalHealth

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“Microfeminisms”, tiny changes to make things fairer for women in daily life

Many people on TikTok are sharing the small ways in which they are making changes to their daily lives to make things fairer for women. The trend started with Ashley Chaney, a producer and host from Los Angeles, who explained how she practices “microfeminisms” in her workplace. If you are having issues standing up for yourself, a few of these “microfeminisms” may help. But do it gently. Keeping the conversation going is far more effective than giving a short put-down. Remember, we are in this for the long term. Read more at this link on Bored Panda Photo by Kelli McClintock on

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The path to personal peace lies not in the head but in the body

For 16 years, from 2000-2016, while I was working as an entrepreneur running a successful international event business, I spent two months a year closely assisting an unconventional spiritual guide named Lorraine. I had done a shamanic journey with her while visiting the States and, seeing the profound results within myself, I invited her to Europe to do the same with many people I knew who would benefit from such work.   Unbeknownst to me, her contemporary shamanic methods were the cutting edge of the expansion of consciousness movement. What was to be a one off trip of hers soon

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Focus on who you are, not the “meatsuit” you wear

A meatsuit is a spiritual term Native Americans use for the body. Native Americans understood very well that a person isn’t the body they wear. It was what was inside a person, their essence or their soul, that mattered. If you start to see the world this way, it will give you a mind shift that will profoundly affect your life. Because – It helps you connect with a deeper and larger part of yourself—your essence—which is where your authenticity lies – It brings you deeper into yourself because you start to identify with what really matters: your essence –

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Why aren’t more women leaders?

A good article in Psychology Today by Dr. Mira Brancu delves beneath the “Imposter Syndrome” which many women express when asked how they feel in leadership positions. It’s not just lack of confidence, but subtle cultural encouragement against a woman who shows any ambition. They don’t like to be seen as self promoting or selfish. Over time they learn to focus on behaviours that are informed by societal norms, such as teamwork and supporting others. So what often happens? While struggling to make it to the top in our dog eat dog hustle culture, sometimes women swallow their feminine traits

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