Tag: Blog

Why aren’t more women leaders?

A good article in Psychology Today by Dr. Mira Brancu delves beneath the “Imposter Syndrome” which many women express when asked how they feel in leadership positions. It’s not just lack of confidence, but subtle cultural encouragement against a woman who shows any ambition. They don’t like to be seen as self promoting or selfish. Over time they learn to focus on behaviours that are informed by societal norms, such as teamwork and supporting others. So what often happens? While struggling to make it to the top in our dog eat dog hustle culture, sometimes women swallow their feminine traits

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Are certain cultures/countries more “Yin” than others?

While teaching yoga recently in Italy, I discovered that the differences between countries go far deeper than just external appearances – they are ingrained in the body itself. One of the poses we practiced was the Tree Pose, which involves standing on one leg with the other tucked against the inner thigh of the standing leg, and the arms held overhead like branches. To balance on one leg, you need to be firmly connected with the floor beneath your feet, and it helps to lower the energy from your head, where most of us live, and deeper into the body.

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The Most Valuable and Underrated Leadership Skill? Listening

A great article by Dr. Andrea Wojnicki, MBA DBA highlights one of the most valuable and underrated leadership skills: listening. Often considered passive, listening is an active, strategic tool that can lead to significant business advantages. However it is often contrary to what we are taught to do, especially in our caffeine-induced, overly stimulated world. So how can you cultivate this skill? By putting yourself in receiving mode. So the next time you find yourself overwhelmed by a rat-a-tat-tat of words, take a deep breath. Count to 5. Then exhale slowly and follow the breath down into your core. That

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The deeper you go within yourself the more you see the depth of others

Worldwide, internet users spend an average of 400 hours—that’s nearly seven hours—a day online, according to a new report. Let’s put it this way: many people around the world spend the equivalent of their entire childhood connected to the internet. “I need it for my job” is one sentence I hear in defense of that automatic eye shift to your phone in your hand. “It’s nonnegotiable” is another. And that doesn’t even count the time spent streaming a show or a podcast. Self-reflection and introspection may seem to many to be time wasted. Or a luxury in a world in

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The key to achieving happiness in the workplace is to find your Why

Wonderful, life-changing advice. But how to find it? Not through words. Trying this way will only frustrate you more, because the answer is deep within you, right in your center or core. And how do you access it? That’s the secret I can help with. You see, even though your Why can be found in the center of your being, the way to access it is through the body. That’s how all permanent mindset shifts work. And that’s where the four Ms come in: Meditation, Movement, Massage and Meals. Want to know this and more leadership skills? Write to me on

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The Rising Tide of Feminine Leadership

While speaking on a panel in Vienna last year at the Lead Today Shape Tomorrow conference hosted by Female Founders, I was struck by the impressive young women running startups aimed at uplifting women across various industries. Yet despite their ambition and drive, many confessed to feeling exhausted, burdened by mental load, and emotionally overwhelmed.What struck me most was their underlying lack of trust in the future. There was a palpable sense of urgency, as if time were running out on their ability to enact real change. And herein lies the crux of the issue: Although these trailblazers seek to

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The ultimate home is inside of you

Do you know that there is a place within you that I call home? It’s right there, just a few inches beneath your navel. When you connect to this place, everything that has been worrying you, whether it is anxiety or sleeplessness or spinning thoughts and fears, simply melts away. We spend so much time in our heads that we end up thinking that we are our thoughts. However when you shift your center of gravity downwards, you begin to move downwards into your body. Eventually, you arrive home again. Becoming aware of this practice requires a shift of consciousness

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Did you know that the body holds emotions in the muscle tissues?

Yogis have known this for hundreds of years, however scientific research is proving that emotions can indeed be stored in muscle tissues. When we experience stress, fear, or sadness, our body’s natural response can include muscle tension or a contraction which is held in the fascia. Over time, if these emotions are not fully processed or released, they can become “trapped” in the muscles, leading to chronic tension, discomfort, or pain. Practices like massage therapy, yoga and my four Ms—movements, meals, massages and meditation—can help to release these stored emotions from the body, promoting physical relaxation and emotional wellbeing. Read

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Mitsuko Tottori has just the first woman President of Japan Airlines

I am delighted that a woman has reached this pinnacle in Japan, a country where, according to the Global Gender Gap report, only 12.9% of senior and leadership posts are held by women. Although this may be unusual in Japan, it’s not surprising that this has occurred within the aviation industry. Why? Let me share with you a deeper cut of why Tottori has received this job. Aviation is one of the few industries that willingly learns from mistakes. It has a culture of dealing with errors and sharing of experiences in a transparent manner.  In short, it is an

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UN International Girls in ICT Day 2024 highlights need to promote technology careers for women

Today marks United Nations International Girls in ICT Day 2024, a poignant moment for us to contemplate how we can guarantee equal opportunities for women and girls in accessing leadership training, advancing in their careers, securing scholarships, and obtaining fellowships within the ICT sector. It necessitates a concerted effort to confront gender biases and stereotypes head-on, while also challenging societal norms that may dissuade girls from pursuing ICT careers. Read more at this link Photo by Isreal Andrade at Unsplash

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