Are you ready to reset your body, recharge your energy, and revitalize your well-being? Now is the perfect time to embark on a transformative journey with the 10 Day Detox Challenge.
This powerful 10-day program is designed to cleanse your body, rejuvenate your liver, and fortify your immune system. Say goodbye to toxins, inflammation, and sluggishness, and embrace a renewed sense of vitality.
Step-by-step guidance on preparing delicious, wholesome meals that will nourish your body during the detox.
Comprehensive meal plans for each day, making it easy to stay on track and organized.
A collection of flavorful, nutrient-dense recipes that will delight your taste buds while supporting your detox journey.
I began this detox after recuperating from a life threatening cancer and have done it as a biannual ritual for 7 years. I am 63 years old and this is one of the principal reasons I look and feel a decade younger. These 10 days will be powerful and challenging, which is why I am holding daily ZOOM sessions to answer any questions you may have. Doing a detox together with others is as inspiring as it is reassuring.
And I will be there for you each step of the way.
“The detox made me realize how important food is for our health. This new awareness stays with you after the cleanse and I plan to continue following the key principles. Thank you Andrena for this wonderful opportunity to rethink our lifestyles!”
— Pisana Ferrari
“I felt light and full of energy, and I was hardly ever hungry. All that remains now is to hold on to a few principles we have learnt and apply them as much as possible to our diet every day. It’s important to understand what is good for us and what is better to avoid, and our body thanks us too. Thank you, I will be doing this again!”
— Giovanna Viel
“I am a doctor and I am careful about what I eat for various reasons: in short, because I don’t want to weigh myself down, not only because of the kilos I put on but also because of how much I overload my body by making it process heavy, processed food. I highly recommend the detox and the recipes she suggests, which I will continue to do.”
— Paola Galassi
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