The Most Valuable and Underrated Leadership Skill? Listening

A great article by Dr. Andrea Wojnicki, MBA DBA highlights one of the most valuable and underrated leadership skills: listening. Often considered passive, listening is an active, strategic tool that can lead to significant business advantages.

However it is often contrary to what we are taught to do, especially in our caffeine-induced, overly stimulated world. So how can you cultivate this skill?

By putting yourself in receiving mode. So the next time you find yourself overwhelmed by a rat-a-tat-tat of words, take a deep breath. Count to 5. Then exhale slowly and follow the breath down into your core. That will allow you to hear not only what is being said, but to read the underlying message that is in between the words — and that is where the finer skills of leadership lies.

Want more about the “how” of all those leadership skills you wish you had but don’t know how to do? Subscribe to Andrena Woodhams on You Tube and Linkedin.

Dr Andrea Wojnicki is a Harvard-educated executive communication coach, keynote speaker, Inc. columnist, and host of the acclaimed “Talk About Talk” podcast.

Full article at this link