The path to personal peace lies not in the head but in the body

For 16 years, from 2000-2016, while I was working as an entrepreneur running a successful international event business, I spent two months a year closely assisting an unconventional spiritual guide named Lorraine. I had done a shamanic journey with her while visiting the States and, seeing the profound results within myself, I invited her to Europe to do the same with many people I knew who would benefit from such work.  

Unbeknownst to me, her contemporary shamanic methods were the cutting edge of the expansion of consciousness movement. What was to be a one off trip of hers soon became a yearly event.

Slowly, over the years, I began to see the miracle that was unfolding in front of my eyes.  Each year dozens of people would come to see us, and because word of mouth spread—at the time the therapeutic benefits of entheogens had not been studied in clinical, double blind studies by institutes like John Hopkins—there were always more people waiting to see us at the end of her stay than when we began.

I now see what a privilege it was to observe a person’s raw essence being healed. To experience consciousness. And to watch Lorraine’s pioneering essence shifting consciousness, changing lives, and healing wounds.

Because no matter who came to work with her, whether they were old or young, spiritual or atheist, male or female, no matter what the problem, they came out of the journey changed. And I began to understand that the path to personal peace lies not in the head—which is the cause of most of our mental issues and pain—but in the body.

This work It is the fundamental building block, the ground of being, of everything I do. It helps me connect those people who want to make a difference in the world—whether they are entrepreneurs, founders, or individuals—become the difference they want to create. When you experience how it feels to lower your gravity from your head, which is where most people spend their lives, deeper into your body, it makes a profound shift in your life. It’s nothing new—even Shakespeare understood this—but to live it transforms your life, and subsequently everything you do. If you would like to know more about what I can do for you, then please DM me so that we can be in touch.