The ultimate home is inside of you

Do you know that there is a place within you that I call home? It’s right there, just a few inches beneath your navel. When you connect to this place, everything that has been worrying you, whether it is anxiety or sleeplessness or spinning thoughts and fears, simply melts away.

We spend so much time in our heads that we end up thinking that we are our thoughts. However when you shift your center of gravity downwards, you begin to move downwards into your body. Eventually, you arrive home again.

Becoming aware of this practice requires a shift of consciousness from overthinking or being too focused on mental processes to being more grounded and present in the body. It can be a powerful way to reconnect with the physical self and find balance.

“Home” is a place to reconnect with yourself that you access through the body My four Ms can guide you on the journey to rediscover your “home” within, where movements, meals, meditations, massages lead to a deeper connection with yourself and the world around you.